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Goldie Locks




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Title Author Grade level
Goldie Locks    


Fairy Tale


Summary of the story :
This story lends itself to multiple engineering aspects, and a few are listed below. The level at which a teacher develops this within the classroom will, obviously, depend on the age and ability of the students. The student's first task would usually be identifying a need. There are a few suggestions for this, or students may list their  own based on what they notice in the story. The examples  below are just samples of needs that the children may identify.

• How would the bears know when someone was in their  house? Design an alarm system that would help them with this.
• How could Baby Bear's chair be made stronger? Compare and contrast various illustrations and decide which shape it was. Identify whether it was a 3 legged stool or a 4 legged chair. (Can carry out the 3 legged design activities to discuss stability issues).
• How can Goldilocks escape safely from the bear's house? Children will design a system that allows her to leave the bedroom without being caught by the bears. E.g . . . . A slide or a trampoline

As Bears hibernate, design a room in the house for the bears to use.




Possible Design Challenges:
Thinking skills tied to the story (PDF)
  Prepared by  Bill Wolfson.  Copyright © 2011-2013
Last Updated  01/24/2013